Blog Posts

  • Mark document as final to discourage changes
    I speak to a lot of users that are reluctant to store their documents in Teams because they are afraid their colleagues will make changes to “their” documents. Mostly they see the advantages of working within Teams, but they have a major concern: How do I prevent my colleagues to make changes to my documents?
  • What are these groups doing here? SharePointHome OrgLinks
    I recently had a customer who decided to take a look at their current SharePoint Security configurations. In the People and Groups screen they found 3 groups, that didn’t make sense to them: •SharePointHome OrgLinks Admins •SharePointHome OrgLinks Editors •SharePointHome OrgLinks Viewers
  • Microsoft Ignite 2017 – part 1
    Today was the first day of Microsoft’s annual conference Ignite, which covers not only SharePoint and Office 365, but also Azure, Windows, Dynamics 365 and other Productivity related Microsoft Products. In this post I will summarize a couple of my personal key take-aways.
  • tuned4 wandelt voor de dieren tijdens de Vierdaagse in Nijmegen
    Na maanden van training was het eindelijk zover! Ik heb opnieuw de Nijmeegse Vierdaagse uitgelopen!
  • My Introduction to the great SharePoint Speaker Community at SPSNL
    After years and years and years of not daring, I finally had my moment yesterday. I was speaking at my first SharePoint Conference, the SharePoint Saturday Netherlands. An annual free event with yesterday about 290 attendees and 50 more SharePoint / Office365 enthusiasts from the sponsors and speakers.
  • @DIWUGnl Slides: #Nintex Workflows – how to keep them running and running and running
    In september I gave my first community presentation at the DIWUG (dutch information worker user group). My presentation was about everything that happens behind the doors when your SharePoint workflows are successful, and run for years. (not one single long running instance, but just a lot of workflows).
  • Het Limburgs ICT Event 2016 – Terugblik
    Dankzij mijn vrienden bij Salves mocht ik vorige week aanwezig zijn op Het Limburgs ICT Event in Maastricht. Ten eerste mijn complimenten voor de goede organisatie. Niet alleen is Buitenplaats Vaeshartelt een schitterende locatie, maar ook de 3 plenaire sessies verzorgd door professionele sprekers zorgden voor een kwalitatief geslaagd event.
  • Nieuwe uitdaging: tuned4
    Vanaf vandaag ga ik een nieuwe uitdaging aan in mijn carrière. Ik heb afscheid genomen van Portiva en heb een eigen bedrijf gestart: tuned4 Hiermee wil ik nogmaals Portiva heel erg bedanken voor alles wat ik in de afgelopen 4 ½ jaren heb mogen leren, en vooral voor al het vertrouwen in mij. In juli … Read more